A22. Jenna Ho, Daniel De Pota – 香港 Hong Kong
Jenna Ho,和五隻貓生活,把貓幻想成小孩子,一同停留在無憂無慮的孩提時代。世間一切色彩繽紛,感謝大自然給予各種相遇。自從尋找到自己的飛天地氈後,四處分享自己的作品。
Jenna Ho is a cat-loving soul who shares her home with a lively bunch of five feline friends. They are like mischievous children to her, bringing joy and laughter to every corner of her life. In Jenna’s eyes, the world is a vibrant canvas painted with endless hues, a playground where she cherishes the delightful moments nature bestows upon her.
Since Jenna discovered the magic carpet, she’s been making wonderful creations and sharing them with everyone.
Daniel De Pota, Jenna 的創作伙伴,總喜歡用自己的方式悄悄地出現在Jenna的作品裏。平常主要為Jenna提供創作靈感和構思。
Daniel De Pota, Jenna’s creative partner, always likes to quietly appear in Jenna’s works in his own way. He usually provides Jenna with inspiration and ideas.