2025 APPLICATION 台北插畫藝術節 申請 2025.03.30 截止報名 Deadline for registration

2025 第八屆 台北插畫藝術節 「 下輩子我想當隻貓 」

■ 展覽日期|2025年12月05日(五) – 12月07日(日)
■ 展覽地點|松山文創園區-北向製菸工廠

■  進場日期2025年12月04日(四) 14:00- 21:00、12月05日(五) 10:30- 13:00
■  撤場日期2025年12月07日(日) 20:00- 22:00

在這個資訊爆炸的時代,我們每天被無數的訊息、工作和壓力包圍,逐漸成為了真正的「社畜」。加班、報告、會議、KPI,這些詞彙無時無刻不在提醒著我們的身心疲憊,甚至感覺當社畜都比家裡的寵物還累! 「下輩子我想當隻貓」成了許多人心中的渴望。假如能像一隻貓一樣,過著悠閒自在的生活,那該有多好?貓咪的一天是簡單而愜意的——牠們睡覺、覓食、撒嬌、玩耍,與世無爭,享受著無條件的愛與信任,並能隨時隨地享受當下的每一刻。當牠們在陽光下舒展身體時,我們是否也能從中學到如何找回內心的平靜與自我?



報名展出的內容沒有一定是要跟貓有關的主題。The content registered for exhibition does not necessarily have to be about cats.

■  HOW TO APPLY 如何申請

徵選 120 組參展者,2025/3/30 (三) 23:59 截止報名,皆採先到先審制,展位如已全部完成申請,將提早結束申請,名額額滿截止。參展名單分三次公告 2025/4/15, 4/30, 5/15。 主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認。請於入選通知後,指定期限七天內繳交參展費⽤、 參展保證⾦ NT. 3,000 元,以確保展覽期間參展正常出席。保證金將於展完結束後2026/1/15 前退回。(國際參展藝術家於展覽最後一天撤場時無任何問題後現金退還)

■  參展者: 一般票卷 6 張、VIP票卷2張、畫冊 1 本、工作證 2 張、社群與媒體宣傳 。

注意事項 |
A區離入口較近,走道較大,B區與C區走道較窄比較外邊,A區B區C區如果沒申請展燈,有些區域會偏暗,尤其B區C區,建議不論哪個區域或是展出類型,都還是要申請展燈有最佳效果。 展出位置需於展區內部;建議使用主辦提供之展板,僅使用空場地之參展者如需使用自己的展板,請事先提出展出示意圖與說明( 包含尺寸、方向與材質等)交由主辦單位審核確認後才可展出,以免影響其參展者之展出和權益。


2025 8th Taipei Illustration Fair 「 I Wish to Be a Cat in My Next Life. 」
(The content registered for exhibition does not necessarily have to be about cats.)
■ DATES:2025.12.05 (Fri.) – 12.07 (Sun.)
■ VENUE:Songshan Cultural and Creative Park-North Factory

■  Setting-up:2025.12.04 (Thurs.) 14:00- 21:00、2025.12.5 (Fri.) 10:30- 13:00

■  Move-out:2025.12.07 (Sun.) 20:00- 22:00

In this era of information overload, we are constantly surrounded by countless messages, work, and stress, gradually turning into true “corporate slaves.” Overtime, reports, meetings, KPIs—these words constantly remind us of our physical and mental fatigue, making us feel even more exhausted than the pets at home! “In my next life, I want to be a cat” has become a common wish for many. Imagine living a leisurely and carefree life like a cat—how wonderful that would be. A cat’s day is simple and peaceful: they sleep, eat, cuddle, and play, living in harmony with the world. They enjoy unconditional love and trust, and can fully embrace every moment. As they stretch out under the sun, can we also learn how to find inner peace and reconnect with ourselves?

For the 2025 8th Taipei Illustration Art Festival, we have chosen the theme ” I Wish to Be a Cat in My Next Life. ” inviting everyone to explore this relaxed and tranquil world together. Through illustration, we hope to help people rediscover the simple joys of daily life and reconnect with their inner spiritual world. These works will inspire the audience to pause in their busy lives, reflect on how to return their hearts to themselves, learn to enjoy the present, and embrace inner peace. We hope this Illustration Art Festival can become a small turning point in your life, encouraging you to rethink the pace of life and find your own balance and happiness. Through illustration, we will explore how to express inner thoughts in this complex world, and how to pursue pure happiness and inner serenity. The life of a cat reminds us that enjoying the present and focusing on the moment is the key to finding peace.

Complete the registration form below.
120 groups of exhibitors will be selected. Registration will close at 23:59 on March 30, 2025 (Monday). The list of exhibitors will be announced three times: 2025/4/15, 4/30, 5/15. (Application will be closed when the booths are fully reserved)

All applications will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline will be when the quota is full. The organizer will send out the “Selection Notification” individually, and the selected candidates must reply by email for confirmation. Please pay the exhibition fee and exhibition deposit of NTD 3,000 within the specified period of seven days after the selection notification to ensure your participation in the exhibition. The deposit will be refunded on January 15th, 2026 after the exhibition. (Refundable to international participating artists when there leaving the fair on the last day by cash.)

Participants: 6 general tickets, 2 VIP tickets, 1 Catalog, 2 work passes, Social media Promotion publicity.

Area A is closer to the entrance and has a larger walkway. Areas B and C have narrower aisles than outside. Area A, Area B, Area C, if you do not apply for exhibition lights, some areas will be dark, especially Area B and Area C. It is recommended that no matter which area Regardless of the type of exhibition, you still need to apply for exhibition lights to achieve the best effect. Exhibitors should use the exhibit space inside the exhibition area; it is recommended to use the exhibit boards provided by the organizer. If exhibitors who apply for raw space only but need to use their own exhibit boards, please submit the exhibit diagram and description (including size, direction and material, etc.) to the organizer for review and confirmation before exhibiting, so as not to affect the exhibitors’ rights and interests.

Exhibitors from various regions need to arrange their own visas. We will not handle it for you, but we can provide proof of participation.

The content registered for exhibition does not necessarily have to be about cats.

20. 以下參展注意事項是否都有看過,並且理解。 Have you read and understood the exhibition precautions below?(必)


1. 全區室內外禁止使用任何形式之明火(含打火機、焊接、噴燈及酒精膏)、吸菸(含電子菸)。

2. 全區建築、設備、管線與結構體禁止釘、敲、槌、漆、依附、吊掛形式之施工方式。

3. 施工期間工區範圍內,禁止嚼食檳榔、飲用及攜帶含酒精類飲料,且禁止有醉意之人員進行作業。

4. 全區禁止使用泡棉膠、雙面膠、透明膠帶、強力膠等會殘膠或損壞表面之接著方式進行施工作業。

5. 工區範圍人員應佩戴安全帽、穿著工作鞋、扣牢頤帶,且視不同作業類別配戴適當防護用具。

6. 工區範圍應設置警戒標示界線,對留置於現場之機器、工具及材料應有妥善之安全與管理措施。

7. 參展者應場地使用前完成場地點交,確認場地、設備狀態並製成紀錄;退場時亦同,


8. 施工廢料及包裝材料如塑膠製品、木製品、鐵製品、保麗龍類及珍珠板、膠帶類、花籃及花架、玻璃瓶、帆布及外燴使用之餐點廚餘…等,使用之參展者應負責清運。廢棄物及垃圾請勿滯留於現場,影響後續使用單位。

9. 清洗汙水、油漆顏料、施工產生之廢水禁止傾倒於廁所洗手台,請使用拖布清洗盆,避免髒亂及管線阻塞

10. 室內空間佈展使用之窗簾、布幕、地毯、人工草皮,應依「防焰性能認證實施要點」處理,現場物件均須檢附防焰標章。

11. 本展會進行之販售行為,須符合法規,並且開立發票或是合法收據給予購買客戶。本策展單位將不提供此項協助。



1. Open flames are not allowed to use in inside or outside the area. (include lighter, welding, blowtorch, Alcohol paste, cigarette, and so on.)

2. The whole building, equipment, pipelines and structures are prohibited to nail, hammer, paint, attach and hang of.。

3. During the construction period, Chewing betel nut and drinking alcohol is banned at the construction area.

4. It is forbidden to use foam, double-sided adhesive, transparent tape, strong adhesive, etc., which will leave adhesive residue or damage the surface.

5. The people who work in the construction area should wear helmets, work shoes and fasten the outdoor belts. Also, they should wear appropriate protective gears according to different types of operations.

6. The construction area shall be marked with a warning line. Also, there shall be proper safety and management measures for the machines, tools and materials which leave at the site.

7. During the Move-in and Move-out time, the exhibitor should complete the venue handover, confirming the status of the venue and equipment, then making a record before and after using the venue. If you do not complete the venue inspection, you will be deemed to forfeit your security deposit.

8. The exhibitors should not leave construction waste and packaging materials ( such as plastic products, wood products, iron products, Styrofoam and pearl board, tape, flower. baskets and planters, glass bottles, canvas and food waste from catering..etc. ) at the exhibit venue, which may affect the subsequent use of the exhibition.

9. Washing or construction wastewater,and paint are not allowed to be pour in the toilet sink. Please use a mop to clean the basin to avoid dirt and blockage of the pipeline.

10. The decoration should satisfy “Flameproof Performance Certification Implementation Points”, and the on-site objects, such as curtains, carpets, and artificial turf should attach “Flameproof labels” .

11. During the exhibition, the sale action should be fulfilled with the policy and regulation. The invoices or legal receipts must be issued to purchasers.

If you do not comply with the caution above, we will not return the deposit. Moreover, we have the right to stop your right to participate in the exhibition at any time, or to impose a fine, and will not refund the venue fee. ( These cautions are based on policy and venue caution from ” Songshan Cultural and Creative Park” )