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2025 第八屆 台北插畫藝術節 「 下輩子我想當隻貓 」開放報名至2024.03.30止

■ 展覽日期|2025年12月05日(五) 15:00 – 20:00
■ 展覽日期|2025年12月06日(六) 11:00 – 20:00
■ 展覽日期|2025年12月07日(日) 11:00 – 20:00
■ 媒體嘉賓|2025年12月06日(五) 13:00 – 15:00
■ 展覽地點|松山文創園區-北向製菸工廠

■ 售票連結|KLOOK 客路ACCUPASS 活動通

■ 活動票價|現場票 NT.380 (單人單日)、NT.700 (雙人單日)、VIP三日票 NT.980 (雙人)、早鳥票NT.168、早鳥票NT.198、預售票 NT.298。
凡120公分以下兒童、持有身心障礙手冊者及六十五歲以上的民眾出示證件即可至現場購買半價票卷;學生證現場購票 NT.200,活動寵物友善,請以牽繩或籠袋推車觀展。


「台北插畫藝術節」推動藝術性的插畫創作,邁向連結國際的插畫博覽會前進,開創出屬於台北城市、台灣在地與國際串聯的插畫藝術展會。透過每年主題策展式徵件,向國內外插畫創作者徵集作品展出,並設計獎勵制度,鼓勵並扶植插畫創作。這屬於台北城市的插畫藝術節,成為固定舉辦的常態性盛會,集結優秀在地插畫家,共同曝光凝聚插畫效益,推動插畫藝術產業良性循環發展,讓「 插畫不再只是插畫」。

在這個資訊爆炸的時代,我們每天被無數的訊息、工作和壓力包圍,逐漸成為了真正的「社畜」。加班、報告、會議、KPI,這些詞彙無時無刻不在提醒著我們的身心疲憊,甚至感覺當社畜都比家裡的寵物還累! 「下輩子我想當隻貓」成了許多人心中的渴望。假如能像一隻貓一樣,過著悠閒自在的生活,那該有多好?貓咪的一天是簡單而愜意的——牠們睡覺、覓食、撒嬌、玩耍,與世無爭,享受著無條件的愛與信任,並能隨時隨地享受當下的每一刻。當牠們在陽光下舒展身體時,我們是否也能從中學到如何找回內心的平靜與自我?



2025 8th Taipei Illustration Fair 「 I Wish to Be a Cat in My Next Life 」

■ DATES:2025.12.05 (Fri.) 15:00 – 20:00
■ DATES:2025.12.06 (Sat.) 11:00 – 20:00
■ DATES:2025.12.07 (Sun.) 11:00 – 20:00
■ VIP&MEDIA :2025.12.05 (Fri.) 13:00 – 15:00
■ VENUE:Songshan Cultural and Creative Park-North Factory
PRICES:On-site NT.380 (Single Person, One Day), NT.700 (Two Persons, One Day), VIP Three-Day Pass NT.980 (Two Persons). Early Bird Tickets: NT.168, NT.198. Pre-sale Tickets: NT.298.
Children under 120 cm, holders of disability identification, and seniors aged 65 and above can purchase half-price tickets on-site by presenting valid identification. Students with valid student ID can purchase on-site tickets for NT.200. The event is pet-friendly. Please ensure your pets are kept on a leash or in a carrier or stroller while attending.

” Illustration ” is a kind of artistic expression combining artistic creation and writing, non-language and language, and has the disseminative nature of “narrative” inner thinking. ” Taipei Illustration Fair ”  create an illustration art exhibition that is part of Taipei City and Taiwan’s local and international Illustration activity.

Through the annual thematic curatorial solicitations, the works are presented to local and foreign illustration creators, and reward systems are designed to encourage and support illustration creation. we hope this fair of illustrations belonging to the city of Taipei has become a regular event held at a normal state. It will bring together outstanding illustrators to share the benefits of illustrations and promote the virtuous circle of illustrator industry. ” Illustration is not just illustration. “

In this era of information overload, we are constantly surrounded by endless messages, work, and stress, gradually becoming true “corporate slaves.” Overtime, reports, meetings, KPIs—these terms incessantly remind us of our mental and physical exhaustion, to the point where being a corporate slave feels even more tiring than being a pet at home! “I wish to be a cat in my next life” has become a deep-seated desire for many. Imagine living a carefree life like a cat—how wonderful that would be! A cat’s day is simple and leisurely—they sleep, hunt for food, cuddle, play, and live without conflict, basking in unconditional love and trust while savoring every moment of the present. As they stretch out under the warm sun, can we also learn from them how to regain inner peace and reconnect with ourselves?

For the 8th Taipei Illustration Fair in 2025, we take inspiration from the theme “I Wish to Be a Cat in My Next Life” and invite everyone to explore this world of simplicity and ease. The artworks do not necessarily have to feature cats, but through various illustrations, we hope to help people rediscover the simple joys of life and reconnect with their inner spiritual world.

These artistic creations aim to inspire audiences to pause amidst their busy lives, reflecting on how to return their hearts to themselves, learn to enjoy the present moment, and embrace inner tranquility. We hope this year’s Illustration Fair will serve as a small turning point in people’s lives, encouraging them to rethink their life pace and find their own balance and happiness. Through illustration, we will showcase how to express inner thoughts and seek simple joy and serenity in this complex world. The desire to “be a cat in my next life” and the feline way of life remind us that enjoying the moment and focusing on the present are the keys to finding peace.