詹雨樹 Raintree1969

T11. 詹雨樹 Raintree1969 – 台灣 Taiwan

詹雨樹。台北人,喜歡A to Z,專長拼貼創作。曾任職博物館的美術設計多年,對雜誌迷戀並蒐藏及繪製。喜歡用拼貼創作就像是我很喜歡的科學怪人一樣,本身由各種物件組合實驗而成。出版有《噢!法蘭克連狗都沒有/伊日美學YIRI ARTS》。

My name is Raintree Chan, My favorite character Frankenstein, consists of a combination of various objects made, inspires me to start my work in collage art. I am always obsessed in the category in A-Z and the absurdity of B Cult films.
