詠丹集 Yong Dan Ji

A18. 詠丹集 Yong Dan Ji – 台灣 Taiwan

嗨!我是Aimee Liu。我的人生歷程呼應著這次的展覽主題「我想念我自己」。雖然從小就展現對畫畫的興趣,隨著社會框架的無形箝制加上希望探索寬廣世界的本性,我進入了升學導向的學校,出國攻讀MBA。歷經航空、精品公關、數據分析產業,最終進入Amazon當科技產品經理。一路上畫畫的火苗似乎越來越小,卻始終沒有熄滅。到了40歲了,繞了世界一大圈,卻始終意識到我最想成為的是拿著畫筆的自己。於是在今年辭掉了Amazon的工作,脫掉了面具,決定好好面對天職的召喚,另起爐灶。


Hi! I’m Aimee Liu. My life trajectory happens to echo the topic “Don’t forget yourself.” Though with a love for drawing since little, I entered exam-oriented schools under the influence of social values, got an MBA degree in the US, and eventually landed on Amazon as a product manager. Turning 40, I realized that my love for drawing has never faded away. I decided to give myself a chance to respond to my calling and dedicate myself into illustration industry.

I love drawing women and children with a focus on two themes: 1) fashion illustration with Taiwanese faces, and 2) the pure soul and sparkling eyes of children that you rarely see in grown-ups.
